This channel is completely for is how will the mind become quiescent | when will be realization of the self be gained, what is the nature of mind, Spiritual reality, how to make diseases disappear.? And How to Help Your Body Heal Itself? And how to self-heal your Mind, Body and Soul.? And how can a disease get cured without doing anything. Is Our Body being the best doctor, not only in matters human body diseases we cover craft, Spiritual reality, motivating and inspiring quote, meditation music, business, shorts, motivational story, self-realization, cooking, travel, yoga, knowing truth of God, Education We bring out the collection of best Audio and video. we make most powerful videos on daily basis.
I humbly dedicate this to God. All praise to God.
We are not alone in this journey.
Our Motto: “I am a world citizen; every citizen is my own kith and kin”.
Our Body is the best doctor and WE SHOULD EAT ONLY WHEN WE ARE HUNGRY ,Basic principles in regenerative medicine, scaffolds, stem cells and growth factors, in this how our bodies can be used to produce its own medication in healing common medicine related injuries. And You are amazing the way you are! Unleash your true potential and shine your own light with gender assurance affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that rewire our subconscious minds to think and believe in a particular way.
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I am just sharing all the information according to my knowledge and we are not branding or indicating any of the person or things or fields. We just sharing the thought for Educational purpose only and we are not forcing anyone to watch this video .You think yourself and act wisely.
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#Types of Diseases, Infectious Diseases,#Human Health and Diseases,#Disorders,# what is disease,#Types of Diseases, Infectious Diseases, #Human Health and Diseases, #Disorders, # what is disease, Sneezing, #Runny Nose, #Common Cold, #Cough, #Asthma, #Tb,#Health,# Medicine